Buddhist nun and teacher, Pema Chodron, writes about the idea of groundlessness in her book, ‘When Things Fall Apart.’ I find the notion curiously comforting. What if, in the moments of sh*t hitting the fan, of heartache, of starting again, we could let ourselves be in it, without frantically scrambling for higher ground, or any ground at all for that matter?

The Art of Space
The potency of Scotland’s landscapes exemplifies the art of taking and making space…

One Step, One Breath at a Time
When we go out into the forest, we realize how not alone we are. There are living, breathing Beings standing tall and rooted all around us. Sometimes we don't have the bandwidth to stand tall and rooted, and that's okay. What the world is needing right now is our attention.

Letting the Land be Your Guide
What if we landed somewhere and started a dialogue with the land? An acknowledgement that we’re standing on land that has had millions footprints before ours. There is an energy to every land we walk upon…

The Call to ‘Winter’
Our lives are not linear, but rather, cyclical and seasonal. Author, Katherine May, writes about the concept of ‘wintering.’ Taking an extended period of time for resting, deep nourishment and healing. These past few months I’ve been in my own personal season of ‘wintering.’